Myths & Facts About Eggs
It’s the time of year people talk about eggs more than any other time. It may be chocolate eggs that are on people’s minds right now – delicious creamy chocolatey eggs – but it got us thinking about eggs in general. Eggs are so small and simple but yet so divisive. It seems that every few months a report is published with some new information about eggs, sometimes good news, sometimes bad news. So, what is the truth about our little oval friends?
Egg Myths
- Eggs will clog your arteries: Many people believe that eggs are dangerously high in cholesterol and will lead to a buildup of cholesterol that will block your arteries. The truth is that eggs do contain a high level of cholesterol BUT the effect this cholesterol has on the human body is minimal. Fried foods and foods made with trans-fats are much worse for your health. An egg a day is considered safe for most healthy people. If you are still concerned about eggs and cholesterol, you can remove the yolk as this is the part of the egg that contains the most cholesterol.
- Eggs will lead to weight gain: For their size, eggs contain a relatively high amount of fat, about 5 grams per egg. This leads to some people believing that eggs can cause weight gain and even obesity. However, about 2.6 grams of this fat is unsaturated fat which is actually a good fat and essential for a healthy body as it can protect against heart disease and inflammation in the body.
- Pasteurization destroys nutrients in eggs: Food pasteurization is what destroys the bad bugs and illnesses that can live in some of the foods we eat. Eating unpasteurized eggs puts humans at risk of contracting nasty things like salmonella, Avian ‘flu and E.coli. Pasteurization, however, does not destroy the nutrients present in eggs. Eggs are rich in vitamins a and b12 and riboflavin before and after pasteurization.
Egg Facts
- Eat eggs for eye health: Not many people know this but eggs can protect your eyes from macular degeneration. This doesn’t mean they will cure blindness but eggs are rich in zinc and lutein which are essential for keeping eyes healthy, especially as a body ages. Studies have shown that people who increase how much lutein (found in egg yolks) they ingest display improved visual function!
- Protect your brain with eggs: Eggs are loaded with choline which helps the body create some neurotransmitters and cell membranes. Eating eggs will keep your choline levels up and improve or maintain your cognitive performances. Choline is especially important for pregnant women as low levels have been linked to cognitive impairment in newborns. If you have any worries about memory loss or if you have a family history of memory issues, start eating your eggs for an extra layer of memory protection.
- Help prevent breast cancer with eggs: Research found that eating eggs as an adolescent can help prevent breast cancer as an adult. Continuing to eat at least six eggs a week as an adult has been found to further decrease a person’s chance of developing breast cancer. While more studies need to be done to verify the link, it is believed that the choline present in eggs sustains normal cell functions and decreases the risk of developing breast cancer.
The Best Way to Eat Eggs
There are so many ways to eat eggs. Here are just a few:
Hard boiled | Soft boiled |
Scrambled | Fried |
Poached | Omelet |
Egg Benedict | Raw |
Devilled eggs | Coddled eggs |
Frittatas | Pickled |
Scotched egg | Smoked egg |
Which method is the healthiest? The consensus seems to be that boiled, poached and scrambled eggs are the healthiest way to eat eggs. Boiling and poaching eggs do not require any added oils or fats plus these methods preserve all the nutrients and good stuff we get from eggs. Depending on your pot or pan, scrambling eggs may also not require any extra oils. Adding some chopped veggies to your scrambled eggs will also boost the health value of the meal. Whichever method you opt for, eating your eggs with some wholegrain bread, salmon and leafy greens makes for a very healthy and delicious meal. And, it’s suitable for pretty much any meal of the day!
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