About us

Rodney Alfred

My name is Rodney and I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. I enlisted in The United States Army in 2000 and have been in the Central Texas area ever since. My background and experience with fitness started after doing a tour as a Drill Sergeant in the Army. During my tour, I assisted numerous individuals to meet and surpass their fitness goals. I also have experience in training for football combines due to several years of college, arena, and semi-pro football. I’m a two time Texas United Football League All-Star, and one time STAF all-star defensive end. While playing for the Killeen Revolution, we won the STAF national championship and played for the overall National Championship in 2012. I am a nationally qualified men's physique competitor compete in various bodybuilding leagues. My background, experience, and specializations include sports performance enhancements, training and nutritional counseling for military personnel with a goal of passing military physical fitness test, youth sport performance enhancement, strength/weight gains, speed/conditioning, and bodybuilding contest prep.


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Grantham University

Master's Degree in Exercise Science-2016, American Military University

ACTION certified personal trainer

Certified Youth Performance Specialist (IYCA)

Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist (NASM)

Certified Functional Movement Specialist (FMS)

Certified Core and Bootcamp Specialist-Fittour

CPR and AED certified


My fitness journey started when I left active duty military. After I left the military I continued a lot of bad habits that became routine for my lifestyle. I ate fast food everyday and drank alcohol every night and I did very little exercise. Around early 2005 I noticed I started feeling tightness in my chest and I was always short of breath. I went to the Veterans Hospital for a routine check up and the doctor told me I had high blood pressure, borderline high cholesterol and I was on the path to have a stroke before the age of 30 years old. My visit to the doctor scared me and I started studying on how to eat better and workout. I lost over 40 pounds within the first year and I found myself addicted to the fitness lifestyle. Fitness is my passion and I love helping people reach their fitness goals! Now 10 years later I have accomplished many great things along my fitness journey. I met my beautiful wife that help direct and mentor me towards my first Men’s Physique Bodybuilding show, where I took 2nd overall.  I've completed my bachelor's degree and worked hard with my wife to open our training studio in 2012. Currently I’m finishing my Masters Degree In Exercise Science and continue to plan to expand our facility. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!


The Crew

    • brittnibefit@gmail.com
    • 254-223-3488
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    Brittni Miller


    Bachelor in Health and PE , Certified Personal Trainer


    I grew up playing sports. Weekends were filled with basketball games, softball tournaments or sports training.  If I wasn’t playing a sport, I was watching my brothers compete. I played volleyball, basketball, and softball in high school winning all- state nominations as well as tournament MVP awards. I then went on to play 4 years of college basketball at Cameron University in Lawton, Oklahoma. I have coached middle school volleyball and basketball. I was an assistant varsity softball coach. I also trained off season athletes and helped run a middle school/ high school strength and conditioning summer camp.

    My Why:

    As much as I would like to say I accomplished my athletic achievements on my own I cannot. I had someone there every step of the way pushing me to be better. People took their time to guide me in the right direction in sports and my life. When I was 13 years old I tore my ACL and 4 months later I was back on the court. Not because I was a naturally gifted athlete but because I worked hard and I had a trainer that refused to let me be anything but my best! When I wanted to give up my trainer was there to push me that much harder.  I went on to win many awards in high school sports. I couldn’t have done that without coaches believing in me.  During my 4 years of college basketball, I had 3 more knee surgeries and I refused to throw in the towel because my coaches and teammates were there to keep my head up. Not only did my trainers and coaches make me a better athlete my pushing me they made me a better person. Fast forward to February 2016, I had given up on myself and on my dreams. I had gained weight from putting myself and my health on the back burner. I knew what I needed to do but just couldn’t make myself do it. Befit gave me the confidence I needed to get back into the gym.   I want to be that person for others. I want to push and motivate others to go past what they believe they can achieve. I want to be a source of encouragement when they need it the most. I want to build others up even if it’s just a compliment or kind words.

    • amybefit@gmail.com
    • 254-223-3488
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    Amy Gilmore
    Facility General Manager


    • Certified Health Unit Coordinator
    • EMT-Basic
    • Associates Degree in Health Science
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science, Health & Wellness Program
    • Currently attending Huntington School of Health Science to become a Board Certified Nutritionist, Graduation March 2016
    • Accepted contingently into Huntington School of Health Sciences Doctorate of Integrative healthcare after completion of Board Certification is complete.


    I have years of experience either working in the medical field or supervision of the medical field. I have always been drawn to medicine and how with preventative measures we can help to cure ourselves of most disease, reverse it or prevent it. I have been working towards the goal of my Doctorate for a few years now with many case studies under my belt in the Integrative health field. My main focus is holistic medicine and preventative care, concentrating on Nutrition and movement as the two main components of self-care.


    Being always intrigued by science and the human body I began pursuing the medical field at a young age, by becoming a Certified Health Unit Coordinator at the age of 18 and immediately going to work in a busy emergency room. From there it escalated on to wanting to do more and learn more. I knew I wanted to help others and seen from early childhood the effects of drug abuse and prescription drug abuse and knew that I wanted to help others become well and healthy. I knew that there had to be a better way than masking the symptoms with pharmaceuticals of common diseases we see today such as High Blood Pressure, chronic pain, type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. That even if genetically we are predisposition to these diseases we can maintain and keep them at bay and you can with a proper diet, exercise regimen and holistic approach to your care. I then lost my big brother to a massive heart attack when he was only 28 and it set me on fire. I knew then I would keep working and one day be able to care for those needing preventative care measures such as a nutrition plan and exercise schedule.

    That showing them if they can take the initiative to get up and move, eat properly and live a healthier life that they could be prosperous. I have taken this lifestyle on with every slap in the face from a diagnosis of Young onset Parkinson’s Disease, heart problems to high cholesterol. I fight every day to keep moving forward with my school work so that I may be able to show others if they can take them time to care for themselves through proper nutrition, exercise and self-care that they can to keep moving forward. That pharmaceuticals only treat and mask the problem not cure it!

    • vmattoxbefit@gmail.com
    • 254-223-3488
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    Victoria Mattox
    My name is Victoria, I’m 26 and was raised most of my life on the beautiful Oregon coast. My husband and I moved to the Texas area for my his military career in September 2017.
    My background:
    Sports and fitness started young for me, when I was just 4 years old I was chosen to be on the competitive swimming team but after several years of getting caught doing flips off of the starting blocks and spins around the dressing room bars among tons of begging to join gymnastics my parents finally let me at 8 years old. I started competing almost immediately and my career in gymnastics took me first to Regionals and then qualifying to be on the Region 2 team to compete at the Junior Olympic National championships in Kissimmee Florida in 2008 (my sophomore year in high school). That same year I dove into junior coaching of the younger girls and fell in love with helping hand teach them, the right away. My junior and senior year I was joined the competitive dance and cheer where we went on to place 5th at state and I became and All-State dancer. I was given several options on colleges for gymnastics but ended up choosing a partial scholarship to the university of Oregon as a D1 athlete on the Acro and Tumbling team, we became national champs my freshman year and I unfortunately suffered a career ending back injury resulting in surgery and me moving home to continue school at the community college. After taking some healing time I joined the cheer team and track team, and studied personal training and nutrition while also continuing to coach gymnastics. Sports and fitness have been a huge part of my life and I plan to continue my passion through personal training.
    University of Oregon
    -studied Dance composition and choreography
    Southwestern Oregon Community College
    -studied personal training and nutrition
    -  NASM certified
    -currently studying to become ACE Certified
    My personal why?
    After being an athlete most of my life it was hard to transition into being someone who needed to make time for health and fitness. After getting married I got comfortable and started to give up on staying in shape, my clothes got tighter and my habits got worse. It wasn’t until we attended a wedding and I saw photos that I realized I’d gained nearly 40lbs. At that moment I decided to do something, I got back into working out and started eating better. The weight gain made my back pain come back pretty bad and I knew in order to make that go away I needed a stronger core, I never really enjoyed running but it was something I could do on my own and at my own pace. I made a goal to run a half marathon in 8 months. In the process I learned that even if you don’t currently enjoy something you can learned to love the benefits. Running did that for me, and it also taught me more about the fitness world than a lifetime of sports could have ever done. It taught me what it’s like for someone who doesn’t come from a background of sports has to learn. Learning to enjoy something you were never interested in is a tough but rewarding process and it gave me just that much more passion for helping others find what drives them to be happy and healthy! Health Fitness will always be a part of my life and creating something to inspire and teach others is my why!

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